Kansas SBA  
Thousands of Business Certifications Issued
Merit-Based, not Affirmative Action-based, Small Business Owner Certification1 is for companies that rely upon the quality of their goods and services and not politics! These companies conduct business in the true manner of merchantilism because the marketplace desires their goods and services whereas Affirmative Action companies cannot compete without political coercion.

Kansas SBA™ enables business owners to give purchasing managers, contractors, lenders, customers, and others business partners evidence their company is registered with Small Business Owner Certification1. This is very important because many corporations and agencies seek to purchase the goods and services of companies registered with Small Business Owner Certification in their quest for diversity.

Requirements for Small Business Owner Certification1

Company Cannot Excede the Maximum Number of Employee or Annual Sales Receipts Standards.
Verify Employee & Revenue Standards
Company Must Be Registered in the State of Kansas.

Small Business Owner Certification1 does not require audited financial statements; no classroom or course attendance; no minimum years in operation; and no "on-site examination" of your company's office is required. Small Business Owner Certification1 is simple and straight-forward.

Reasons for Certification Certification Package Includes
Establish Company Image & Reputation
Solicit Community & Peer Recognition
Exhibit Company Pride & Honor
Publicize Company Ownership Structure
Distinguish Oneself from Competitors
Promote Small Business in Your Community
Kansas SBA™ Certification Number
Signed Letters of Certification
Certification Certificates
Certification Seals & Decals
24-Hour Online Verification
24-Hour Cellular Phone Verification

Kansas SBA™ encourages all business owners to apply for Small Business Owner Certification1 as a tool for marketing, "diversity program" eligibility, and community recognition. This merit-based credential is for companies that conduct business in the true manner of merchantilism because the marketplace desires their goods and services whereas Affirmative Action companies cannot compete without political coercion.

Apply Now
24-Hour Cellular Phone Verification
Fortune 500 v. Small Business
Kansas SBA™
Small Business Owner Certification

1. Kansas SBA™ Terms of Service.

About Us  |  Privacy Policy  |   Certification Agreement  
  Kansas SBA™, Wichita, Kansas, 67202, USA
info@kansassba.com,   www.kansassba.com